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Executive (I)
Friday, 14th February, 2014


Matter for Consideration:
The allocation of funding through the small grants scheme to voluntary sector organisations for 2013/2014.
The Executive Advisory Panel consisting of Councillors Rowson, Jackson, Taylor, Cross and Campbell met on 14th January 2014 to consider applications received to the Small Grant Fund.

The total fund available for small grants in 2013/2014 was £29,611. It had already been agreed that this funding be split between three rounds of allocations, with the first funding round being opened in June 2013 and the second round being held in November 2013. For this round of funding allocation there was a total amount of £14,800.36 available.

The Panel considered the applications, noting the amount of funding applied for, what the funding would provide, from where remaining funds would be obtained and the financial statements of applicants. Panel members also gave consideration to the application and its links to Council priorities. Each application was also considered regarding its value to the Blackpool resident considering the geographical impact of the funding on any certain wards, communities or the Borough as a whole.

The Panel recommends that the following organisations be awarded funding for the reasons identified:

Amount Reason
Bostonway Residents / Social Club £900 The Panel considered that the application contributed to the Council’s priorities to ‘improve health and well-being especially for the most disadvantaged’ and to ‘improve housing standards and the environment we live in by using housing investment to create stable communities.’

The Friends of Stanley Park and Salisbury Woodland £3,000 The Panel considered that the organisation contributed to achieving a number of Council priorities, including ‘improve health and wellbeing for the most disadvantaged’ and to expand and promote our tourism, arts, heritage and cultural offer.’

Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Mental Health Forum £479 The Panel considered that the organisation contributed to achieving a number of Council priorities. The amount of funding applied for by the organisation is a revised amount, as per the Panel’s recommendation (Appendix Xa)
Community Intervention Team CIC £1,430 The Panel considered that the application contributed to the Council’s priorities to ‘improve health and well-being especially for the most disadvantaged’ and ‘safeguard and protect the most vulnerable’.
The Friends of Highfield Road Park £4,999 The Panel considered that the application contributed to the Council’s priorities to ‘improve health and well-being especially for the most disadvantaged’ and to ‘create safer communities and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour’.
The Bridge Project £1,600 The Panel considered that the application contributed to the Council’s priorities to ‘safeguard and protect the most vulnerable’ and to ‘create safer communities and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour’.
North Shore Methodist Church £1,620 The Panel considered that the organisation contributed to achieving a number of Council priorities, including, ‘safeguard and protect the most vulnerable’, ‘create safer communities and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour’, and ‘improve health and well-being especially for the most disadvantaged’

The notes of the meeting are attached at Appendix X a.

The total amount of funding recommended for approval by the Panel in this round of funding allocations is £14,028. Therefore £772.36 remains from the £29,611 allocation for small grants for 2013/2014. The Panel recommended that these remaining, surplus funds be returned to the General Fund Revenue Budget / Contingencies.
Does the information submitted include any exempt information?NO
Legal Considerations:
The allocation of funding is in line with small grant conditions being met.
Personnel Considerations:
Equalities issues have been analysed throughout the application process with specific questions on the application forms. An equality impact assessment has been undertaken.
Financial Considerations:
The total amount of funding recommended is within the allocated budget.
Performance Management Considerations:
The Voluntary Sector Funding Monitoring Scrutiny Panel has responsibility for monitoring voluntary sector funding.
Risk Management Considerations:
Relevant Officer:
Sally Shaw, Head of Corporate Development, Engagement and Communications.
Relevant Cabinet Member:
Councillor S. Blackburn
Consultation Undertaken:
Background Papers:
Is this a key decision?NO
Is the decision required in less than 5 days?NO
To approve the allocation of small grant funding to voluntary sector organisations for 2013/2014 as recommended by the Executive Advisory Panel and outlined in paragraph 5.4 of this report. Subject to 2.2 above, to authorise the Assistant Chief Executive – Treasurer Services to transfer the remaining small grants allocation of £772.36, to the General Fund Revenue Budget / Contingencies, following Council approval of the 2014 / 2015 Budget, as recommended by the Executive Advisory Panel and outlined in paragraph 4.6 of this report.
Reasons for Recommendations:
To approve the allocation of Voluntary Sector Funding 2013 -14.
Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council?NO
Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved Budget?YES
Other alternative options to be considered:
Alternative funding options could be considered but would require a full impact assessment and take into consideration the fixed funding deadlines.
Policy, Overview, and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate)
Date Informed: N/A
Date Approved: N/A
The Leader of the Council agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely: 1. To approve the allocation of small grant funding to voluntary sector organisations for 2013/2014 as recommended by the Executive Advisory Panel and outlined in paragraph 4.4 of this report. 2. Subject to 2 above, to authorise the Assistant Chief Executive – Treasurer Services to transfer the remaining small grants allocation of £772.36, to the General Fund Revenue Budget / Contingencies, following Council approval of the 2014 / 2015 Budget, as recommended by the Executive Advisory Panel and outlined in paragraph 4.6 of this report.
Date:14th February 2014
Reason for Decision:
To approve the allocation of Voluntary Sector Funding 2013 -14.

Date of Publication:
14th February 2014

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